Name | Pat Kowalski |
Title | SVP Administration & Finance; CFO |
Email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
GOAL 1 | Implement NEXT Budget Model for FY 2026 Planning Cycle- Complete by 03/31/2025
Goal Type | Strategic |
Hoshin? | Yes |
% Weight | 40 |
Action(s)/Initiatives(s) | - Finalize the 'Decision Points' with the President and Provost
- Financial Operations Committee to incorporate Decision Points into the budgeting processes and financial systems of the university
- Financial Operations Committee to incorporate the planning process components of the NEXT Budget Model across the divisions for the FY 2026 implementation.
Measurable Outcomes(s) | - Ultimate goal is to have all Divisional leaders present a completed Budget Crosswalk during the University Budget meeting with the President and all divisional leaders.
GOAL 2 | Expand forecasting activity to a rolling three year model- Complete by 06/30/2025
Goal Type | Strategic |
Hoshin? | Yes |
% Weight | 15 |
Action(s)/Initiatives(s) | - Work with the Finance Operations Committee to develop standardized workflows for the forecasting process in advance of the Anaplan Forecasting tool.
- Create draft assumptions for review and agreement with the divisional leaders.
- Prepare draft forecasts for the divisions and university roll-up for review with divisional leaders.
Measurable Outcomes(s) | - Review the rolling three year forecast with the Executive Working Group and the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees by 06/30/2025
GOAL 3 | Re-envision the Capital Planning Process with the UC Community- Complete by 06/30/2025
Goal Type | Operational |
Hoshin? | No |
% Weight | 5 |
Action(s)/Initiatives(s) | - Create an SBAR document re: the current process and challenges (from CFO perspective)
- Work with the Capital Advisory Committee to develop an improved process and workflow
- Work with the Capital Advisory Committee to expand SBAR with challenges from their optic
- Review recommended process revisions with BPEC
- Socialize to constituency groups: Financial Operations Committee; Deans Council; Fiscal Coordinating Committee; Academic Affairs BA group
Measurable Outcomes(s) | - Have the revised process approved by the BPEC by 06/30/2025. This will be implemented in FY 2026 and incorporated for the FY 2027 Planning Process.
GOAL 4 | Fully Implement the Administration & Finance CQI Program- Complete by 06/30/2025
Goal Type | Operational |
Hoshin? | No |
% Weight | 5 |
Action(s)/Initiatives(s) | - Finalize all A&F unit rollout and training activities
- Complete A&F Service Level Agreement document
- Rollout to Divisions and select constituent groups
- Develop measurement process and tools
Measurable Outcomes(s) | - Approved SLA's from Divisional leaders by 06/30/2025
GOAL 5 | Formalize the Deferred Maintenance program and roll-out to the campus community- Complete by 06/30/2025
Goal Type | Operational |
Hoshin? | No |
% Weight | 10 |
Action(s)/Initiatives(s) | - Work with PDC and Basic Renovation leaders to develop processes for management of Deferred Maintenance
- Socialize the process with campus constituents
- Score the DM priorities in terms of annual investment need
- Determine funding mechanisms and evaluate budget surplus or shortfall
- Factor into budget planning activities
Measurable Outcomes(s) | - Have a DM plan available for implementation by 06/30/2025
GOAL 6 | Complete the DRAFT refresh of the UC Campus Master Plan- Complete by 06/30/2025
Goal Type | Operational |
Hoshin Initiative? | Yes |
% Weight | 25 |
Action(s)/Initiatives(s) | - Work with SmithGroup to complete meetings with UC campus constituents
- Present DRAFT refresh of the UC Campus Master Plan to the Executive Working Group
- Review the DRAFT refresh of the UC Campus Master Plan with the Board of Trustees
- Developing planning activities and initiatives and incorporate into budget planning activities
Measurable Outcomes(s) | - Present DRAFT refresh of the UC Campus Master Plan to the Executive Working Group by 06/30/2025
Overall Submission Entry Notes |